Maman Brigitte, sometimes also written as Manman Brigitte and also known by Gran Brigitte, Mama Brigitte, Manman Brigit, and Maman Brijit is a death Vodou loa. The loa are the intermediaries who interact with humanity on the behalf of God himself, who does not interact with us directly. Manman Brigitte is the ruler of the cemetery along with her husband Baron Samedi in Haitian Voodou. She is believed to be a fiery foul mouthed and hot loa who drinks rum which is infused with hot peppers, and is symbolized by a black rooster. Manman Brigitte has been syncretized and represented by various saints, usually those depicted with fire or snakes, including Brigid of Kildare and Mary Magdalene, although she is usually syncretized with Saint Brigid. She is also linked to the concepts of fertility, rebirth and death. She is an aggressive protector of women and considered to be an epitome of punitive justice. It is believed that the oldest female grave in any of the cemetery is hers and if someone wants to honor her then they have to leave spicy rum on the said grave present in the local cemetery.
Spirit Dolls
Spirit Dolls are created for the purpose of giving a helping spirit a body to inhabit and set its intention to produce the desired magickal outcome. These spirits are also called “magickal servitors”, not because they are enslaved, but because they are brought into existence to achieve a purpose as set by the Bruja. They are made for all purposes, such as drawing a lover, gaining wealth, protection from negative forces, healing, and much more.
There have been a lot of horror movies made based on this magickal practice. Those movies are based on ignorance driven by Hollywood’s perception of Vodou and Witchcraft. My dolls are made with love and light and will be inhabited by an elemental spirit that will work for you to achieve your goal. This form of magic originates from the Congo people in Africa who came to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade.
It is important to remember that the doll is inhabited by a living spirit. Offerings of flowers, incense, cologne, or liquor may be given to a doll to feed its energy one a week. Spirits need love and light to stay healthy and active, never neglect taking care of your doll or the spirit may become sad or upset and will leave. It might leave after it accomplishes the mission set forth by the Bruja. This a spirit companion that is created for you to suit your magickal needs. When you choose the doll you want to buy I will “prepare her” or “fix” her by invoking a spirit to live in her. She will be filled with all the proper ingredients to accomplish the spirit’s task. If you create a good relationship with the spirit and keep her taken care of the spirit might become a guardian spirit to you and stay with you and your family for generations.