“La Comisión de los Gitanos” , the Commission of the Gypsies are a powerful tribe of spirits that many have as spiritual guides within their ‘Cuadro Espiritual’ (spiritual framework) Los Gitanos are traditionally associated with divination, protection, love & good luck, etc., They are generally very street-smart, can see easily through deceit and lies and are masterful in magic and varied forms of divination. This oil is use to connect with your Gypsies. This conjure oil is made with:
Tagete (memory enhancement, mental clarity, and trust)
Frankincense (Increases the intensity of the conjure work)
Myrrh (peace, healing, protection, purification and stimulates sensual love)
Citrus (spirituality, protection)
Ylang Ylang (happiness and love)
Cypress (protection)
Patchouli (love-drawing, money-drawing)
Jasmine (spiritual love, dreams, friendship, divination and lunar magick)
Do not use this product during pregnancy or nursing. Do not use near children and pets or if you have sensitive skin. Do not ingest, for external use only. Sold as a curio.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You are responsible for understanding the safe application of these products.